Zhejiang’s Two Sessions | The Provincial Committee of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference proposed to enhance the international competitiveness of private enterprises and build world-class enterprises
Private enterprises face many challenges in their international operations. The Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the China Association of Private Enterprises has submitted a collective proposal to the current session of the 13th Provincial Political Consultative Conference with the title “Further Enhancing the International Competitiveness of Private Enterprises and Promoting the Construction of World-Class Enterprises”. The proposal suggests integrating policy resources and market forces to effectively solve problems and difficulties, and promoting private enterprises to accelerate their resource allocation capabilities, global radiation capabilities, institutional innovation capabilities, and international competitiveness to achieve high-quality development.
The proposal points out that there is still a gap and shortcomings for private enterprises in Zhejiang Province to become “world-class enterprises”. This is reflected in the insufficient competitiveness and innovation research and development of enterprises, low financial performance and internationalization degree, lack of top talents and financial service support, as well as the imperfect overseas service system.
The proposal suggests increasing support policies to cultivate world-class enterprises. For example, conducting special research to formulate an overall plan for the international development of private enterprises in the next 3-5 years, interpreting the plan to enterprises through policy lectures and other forms to boost the confidence of leading enterprises; providing special services to build an online and offline integrated “private enterprise international pass” one-stop service platform. The online platform will push policy information that matches enterprises accurately. Offline service windows will be set up in major foreign trade cities to provide customized international market research reports to help enterprises share information and reduce risks when entering overseas markets.
In terms of improving technological innovation and enabling brand globalization, the proposal suggests building a “Zhejiang Enterprise International Technology Innovation Port” with specialized technology transfer zones to provide one-on-one technology introduction and transformation services for private enterprises. It also includes establishing a unicorn enterprise cultivation system, enhancing the brand value of private enterprises, formulating an “Internationalization Cultivation Guide for Zhejiang Private Enterprise Brands”, guiding enterprises to reshape their brand positioning, and creating a number of internationally influential well-known brands.
In strengthening the cultivation of international talent and financial security, the proposal suggests strengthening the introduction and training of top talents, exploring the establishment of a number of overseas bases for international talent training to support overseas mergers and acquisitions,布局海外人才飞地,实现全球引才、全球用才,同时着眼于培养具有国际视野的高端人才。此外,要强化各种金融保障,为海外投资、并购、技术研发、市场拓展等关键环节提供资金支持。针对民营企业轻资产特性,允许以知识产权、订单合同等质押贷款。鼓励保险机构开发“海外投资险”“出口信用险附加险”等产品,降低企业融资风险。
The proposal also suggests establishing three mechanisms for international risk prevention and control: first, improving the government-enterprise cooperation linkage mechanism for cross-border operations; second, establishing a private enterprise mutual aid alliance mechanism; and third, establishing an overseas investment protection and emergency response mechanism.